"Gilan Seramik" LLC has launched the construction of a plant for the production of ceramic tiles at the end of 2009. Construction of the plant coincided with a new period of rapid industrialization process, implementation of major infrastructure projects. The plant built at the 9th km of Hajiqabul-Kurdamir road consists of a main building and ancillary buildings. The plant was equipped with modern equipment, manufactured by the Italian company "Sacmi".
Our difference
Based on the technology of the company 83 plants for the production of ceramic tiles have been built up in 26 countries around the world, only one of which is located in the South Caucasus in Azerbaijan.
Annual production capacity of plant enables to meet the main part of local demand in the country.
40.2 million AZN has been invested into creation of the enterprise. A preferential loan of AZN five million has been allocated by the National Fund of Assistance to Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economic Development for equipment purchase and construction works. Most part of this demand are met through local stock and some mixtures are supplied from Turkey and Ukraine.
Our mission
Zavodun əldə etdiyi təcrübi nailiyyətlər keramik məhsul istehsal edən bir neçə zavoddan ibarət texnoparkın bünövrəsini təşkil edəcək. Zavodun cənub hissəsində müxtəlif duş kabinələri, vannalar və digər sanitar qovşağı avadanlığı istehsal edən müəssisənin tikintisi nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Bu layihələrin həyata keçirilməsi rayonun sosial-iqtisadi inkişafında və əhalinin məşğulluğunun artırılmasında mühüm rol oynayacaqdır.
We produce quality products in accordance with high standards